Friday, April 27, 2018

The Chemistry as a carrer

In this oportunity i'll speak about my carrer:
Actually Im studing Chemistry, i studied chemistry beacause I really like the science and the research, is curious but all my life I felt attracted to the sciences, i think the science in general are important to all the people including: biology, physic, math and others, in the case of chemistry is very important because "we live the chemistry" our bodys are made of proteins, lipids. The reactions inside a cell are to much, we need so many chaemicals to live like water, oxygen glucouse.
my carrer is uimportan because we need people that can use diferent tecniques to make diferent product like cosmetics, construction matereal, foods. For the industrial level is important too, like minery, sulfuric acid synthesis, the celulose, any other.
With my profession and can help people decisions about chem products, with the security, like which extinguisher to use in case of emergency
that's all bye bye.


  1. this carrer is a best for scientist <3

  2. I must admit I was never very motivated by Chemistry, but I almost majored in Geology, but then changed my mind...

  3. you career is so cool, luck with your studies <3

  4. the chemistry is very important and very amazing !


BLOG 10 English

hello guys!! today I'm a little bit happy and a little bit sad, you know why? because this entry is my last post on this blog, and I...