Sunday, May 20, 2018

A post graduate course

In the future when i get my carrer i would like to do a post graduate course like a Magíster or a doctor grade.
In a magister, Personally i like two options, the first is a magister in chemistry and the second is about food enginery.
I'd like to do a doctor grade too but i think it's harder than a magister but its interesting because have a more especific knowledge
I think is important to get a post graduate course because whit this i can get a better work and more chances in the laboral world.
An important part in the post graduate courses is the financing for expample a credit or a scholarship beacause those courses are so expensive
Another topic is where do the post graduate course for example in other country abroad.
In conclution, get a post graduate course its a little bit hard but with effort everything is possible, so i hope that one day i could get a magister or a doctor grade

1 comment:

  1. I think you still have time to think about details like financing and where to study...


BLOG 10 English

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