Saturday, July 21, 2018

The truth about trust

Truth vs feeling good?
Always we have a parter that we trust, but sometimes our partner hide the truth and begun a game of trust, lies, illusions 
I think that tell the truth is more important than feeling good, you know why? Because live in a fake  bubble of hapiness, cuz someone is a liar it's wrong, it's like be in a perfect illusion where nothing go wrong, but is false 
Even when the truth could be something painful is necesary tell to the other person, but this doesn't mean than we cant soften the truth to make easier to assimilate
I rather feel sad and disapointed for the truth than be cheated, i really don't want to be a toy i don't need that someone play with my feelings -with my trust-, this remind me a Lady Gaga sentences about the trust

Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in the reflection.

— Lady Gaga
And what you think about that?

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BLOG 10 English

hello guys!! today I'm a little bit happy and a little bit sad, you know why? because this entry is my last post on this blog, and I...