Friday, August 3, 2018

Photography an interesting class - Laboratory too

Hi again!! today i'm going to talk about my photography courses and my experience in the laboratory, when i was on the school i take doferent extra courses, on 2013 i begin my photogray classes, i really enjoyed that, even tough if in this time i did not have a professional camera, i have never leave this course til i leave of the school im 2016, the best part of this course was that i could express my self, the other interesting part was that i've learned tecniques like exposure, white balances and many other things. It was really fun

Another course that i've take was science anda biology in laboratorie, in this course we make diferent experiments, for example i remember one day we work with diferent macromolecules like proteins and lipids. This course give to me the passion for science and thanks to this course i decided estudy my carrer.

The photography and the science are importants part in my life, the music too, so maybe one day i could do a musical course.
That's all bye bye


  1. I hate biology, but I respect your favorite subject :'(

  2. I took a photography class in High School many years ago...and learned to develop the photos in a lab. I remember the chemical smells. Now, I just use my phone :)


BLOG 10 English

hello guys!! today I'm a little bit happy and a little bit sad, you know why? because this entry is my last post on this blog, and I...