Friday, August 10, 2018

Yes! I play the guitar

Hi!! Today im going to talk about one of my "hidden" habilities, and its how i can play the guitar, its a little bit funny becaise i have been trying since i was 14 year olds, but at that time i really hated the guitar i used to think that i was so difficult and boring, even i know the pricipal chords like G, D, Em and C, but i didnt know how to mixed them to play a song and that was really frustating and i decided to leave it.
But in the last summer i've heard a guitar song of my favorite singer, Lady Gaga, Million Reasons, and i loved how it sounded, and i wanted to play it too, so i taked my guitar and searched the chords on Google and i tryed and was so incredible because for the firts time i've played a song by myself and that was so motivating, and since that i begin to try again and i though that the practice make the master hahahah, so i play my guitar at least once a week.
I want to play the ukelele too and i think it is easier than the guitar because it is smaller than a guitar and have only 4 strings, so i guess the chords are easier too. The last week one friend lent me her ukelele so i begin to practise and i can play some simples song with three chords.


  1. Google is a great place to find sheet music even though I can't always find what I want.

  2. Soo good that you have a reunion with music!! I love music and I really would like to know how to play some instrument


BLOG 10 English

hello guys!! today I'm a little bit happy and a little bit sad, you know why? because this entry is my last post on this blog, and I...